Katie Barton of Colorado

Katie Barton of Colorado welcomes you to her official website. The main purpose of this site for Katie Barton of Colorado is to share tips and advice that she has gathered over the years that can help people and their pets. As the operator and owner of KT Dog Services, Katie Barton of Colorado takes great pride in helping dogs remain active and healthy. Katie Barton is also well-versed in dog training and has shown countless people how to leverage positive reinforcement for the best training results.
As someone who has earned a certificate in dog training, Katie Barton of Colorado understands how different breeds of dogs respond differently to different training forms. This site will offer plenty of advice to dog owners with various types of dogs. Having worked for a no-kill dog shelter in Denver, Katie learned that dogs are resilient creatures who can be rehabilitated and taught new behavioral patterns, even if they come from a history of neglect that has led to biting or other problematic behaviors.
When it comes to dog training, Katie Barton firmly believes that the best results come from positive reinforcement. Some trainers leverage things like water spray bottles or sour-tasting applications to place on shoes and furniture so they won’t be chewed up, but Katie Barton believes dogs are more responsive to positive reinforcement. As other people who are dog lovers will attest, it’s also much more gratifying to reward a dog for completing a desired behavior than to punish them for a negative behavior.
The number one reason positive reinforcement training fails or takes longer than a dog trainer wants it to is a need for more consistency. It’s important to repeatedly train a dog to perform a desired action early in the training process. For instance, someone who wants to teach their dog to sit should work on saying sit and then pointing to the ground. When the dog sits, be sure to clap and even provide a small treat from time to time. In the early stages, repeating this process is critical. If a dog owner tries after a few days to ask their dog to sit but then ignores the behavior, a dog may lose interest because they think their owner has lost interest as well.
Timing is also critical when it comes to dog training. If we were to follow the training, sit example again. Positive reinforcement should occur the moment the dog sits down. If a person cheers their dog for sitting and the dog jumps, they give the dog a treat. The dog will likely think they are being given a treat for jumping. Also, dogs will demand consistency in the short phrase accompanying a desired action. Whether a person is teaching a dog to sit, heel, lay down, or show their paw, they must always leverage the exact commanding phrase. Command phrases should be short and sweet, so a dog can understand precisely what they are asked to do.
While Katie Barton of Colorado could continue to offer dog training advice, she will save that for future blog posts. As a proud Christian, Katie Barton of Colorado would be reminded not to mention the benefits of giving back on her site’s homepage. An active volunteer for many organizations, Katie Barton of Colorado will tell anyone looking to enrich their lives to consider offering their time or talents to a charitable organization in need. Volunteer work has always proven to Katie that there’s nothing as rewarding as helping a person or animal in need. For those unfamiliar with the golden rule, it calls on people to treat others as they would like to be treated. Katie Barton believes that utilizing empathy for our fellow human beings and working to benefit their lives is a great way to enrich one’s soul.
Even for those not actively involved in a church, plenty of volunteer opportunities can be discovered through the church. Churches will welcome anyone willing to donate their time and resources. Finding a charity that represents a cause they deeply care about can become as rewarding as anything else a person does in their life. Katie Barton of Colorado serves as a board member for a charitable organization called Awaken Lioness Spirit. This non-profit organization helps at-risk women leaving prison return to civilian life.
Anyone looking to give back but still determining what organization to assist should look at their skillset and go from there. For instance, as a former professional photographer, Katie Barton of Colorado has found that charitable organizations appreciate having a photographer who can take pictures that can be leveraged across social media platforms to help raise awareness and boost a charity’s credibility.
People often associate charity with monetary donations. While many organizations will be more than happy to accept monetary donations, there’s an even greater need for people who can provide hours of physical service. Whether serving soup at a food kitchen or reading to older adults at a local nursing home, all acts of charity make the world happier.
Katie Barton of Colorado could not be happier that you arrived at her website. Future blog posts will touch on everything from how important maintaining an active lifestyle is to the health of one’s dog to the different ways people can get involved in their local communities. Katie also loves the great outdoors and practicing her landscape photography, so those topics may also find their way into future blog posts.